SO you’ve flowed through menses—pun intended ;). No sweat. Now, what’s next? I’m glad you asked. After the reflective phase, a.k.a, your monthly flow, your energy levels become heightened—you now have a wealth of renewed and dynamic energy to tap into (awesome, right?!). So yup, you guessed it; it’s time to get dynamic! Get dynamic with your energy, get dynamic with your diet/exercise, get dynamic with your thinking, get dynamic with your creativity.

Dynamic (ok, I’ll give the word a rest after this!) describes a process/time period that is characterised by “constant change, activity, or progress”—thank you, Google Dictionary ;). Therefore, this phase—just as your reflective phase—offers many gifts, namely that of restored energy. Here are some tips for harnessing these unique gifts (in key areas in your life):


Diet & Nutrition

As your energy rises, it is important to nourish yourself with foods that contain many vitamins and nutrients. Diet is critically important for hormonal balance and excellent egg quality—both of which are keys to improving and/or maintaining your fertility. Accordingly, best cooking styles are ones that allow you to harness the highest amount of nutrients from your meals. Steaming and sautéing—light cooking methods—let you preserve the healthful benefits of delicious, fibre and vitamin rich, vegetables. And you can add all the yummy seasonings + herbs (just watch the sodiumJ) that you’d like!



Make the most of feeling fully alive—take brisk walks, do regular aerobic exercise, like dance or kickboxing, to get your qi—your life force—circulating. Run, swim, power-walk, cycle, or do whatever movement feels good to you and your body!


Creativity + Processing

Your Dynamic Phase is a great time to gain clarity over any issues that you’ve been in thought around (that may have surfaced during your Reflective Phase). You have increased physical and mental stamina—use it to your fullest advantage! This is also an excellent time to start a new project or act on a resolution, such as a new diet or fitness routine, to make it a permanent part of your life. This is the time to open up to (and allow) the gifts of this phase to propel you forward—into your best life.


Over the next few weeks, I’ll be introducing the other 3 phases. But if you’re in a hurry to learn more about those, download your free report here.

To YOUR Radical Wellness!


Do you need more support?

Part of my Radical Wellness mission is to help you interpret what your body’s telling you. When you tune in and listen, you fast track your ability to create, enjoy, and maintain Radical Wellness! If you’d like help on your journey, I’d love to support you. When you register today for a Radical Wellness Wakeup Call session, a 60 minutes deep dive with me, you will get an individualized action plan that will help you reach your goals! Click here for details.

I know investing in your health may feel like a luxury. But Radical Wellness is actually the ultimate necessity. Without your body, you can’t enjoy the amazing life you have. So what are you waiting for?