Studies suggest that regular consumption of foods high in vit C (bell peppers) and resveratrol (blueberries, red grapes) can help reduce the size, volume of endometrial cysts, thus relieving you of pain. Additionally, foods rich in omega 3s (salmon), iron (spinach), fiber (flaxseeds) can help detoxify excess estrogen out of the body and counter inflammation.

If you’re suffering from endometriosis, you know already that it can be extremely painful physically and emotionally. Finding ways to cope with the symptoms and pain of endometriosis is an important part of your healing journey. #endowarrior

Treatments for endometriosis often include controlling the discomfort through painkillers and hormonal treatments. When the pain is so severe and unmanageable, doctors may even advise you to have surgery to remove the outgrowths. These treatments and surgeries might work, or might not work. And, even when they would work, they leave their traces on your physical and emotional health, creating some other health issues over time.

Does it mean that you shouldn’t go for these? It’s not my place to judge how you’re feeling right now and what you feel is the best solution for you right now, but I want to give you the option to look into natural options that are available to you as well. Ever since I got myself diagnosed with endometriosis in 2011, and have successfully healed from it, I’ve made it my mission to share with you what I have discovered work best for your healing journey.

While there is no *recognised cure* for endometriosis, a change in diet is a natural, inexpensive, and healthy alternative when you want to cope with the inflammatory symptoms that the condition brings. It’s the easy part to start with as well, before getting into the emotional component of the condition.

Most importantly, it can also help you cope with the pain and emotions that accompany endometriosis’ hormonal changes. From huge mood swings to being more balanced, it will give you a different prospective as to what your options are, and what you can accomplish by yourself or using a more holistic protocol. Some small changes can make a tremendous difference as to how you feel and will help you cope better with the symptoms of endometriosis.

If you are an endometriosis sufferer, you will have probably heard of the endometriosis diet. It is, in short, an anti-inflammatory diet that is aimed at promoting healing, rebalancing hormones, and controlling the symptoms of endometriosis.

Before getting you to overhaul your entire diet though, let’s start by including these 5 superfoods that have been proven through research to help with endometriosis.


5 Superfoods For Endometriosis

As part of this diet, here are 5 superfoods that have been recommended by both doctors and those who suffer from endometriosis, that you will benefit from adding to your plate.


#1. Bell Peppers

Raw bell peppers are incredibly rich in vitamin C. Research shows that women who have a significant amount of vitamin C in their body may force the reduction in the volume and weight of endometrial cystsThough do remember to buy organic as pesticides are endocrine disruptors (that is they are harmful to your hormones). In terms of vitamin C, I’ve also found extremely helpful to supplement with a food-based vitamin C supplement, so that you don’t have to overload your digestive system with fibre, when it might not yet be able to handle it.


#2. Dark Berries And Red Grapes

Berries come in so many variants, but it is the dark-coloured ones like blueberries and dark red grapes that contain the most Resveratrol.

An animal study shows that Resveratrol has anti-inflammatory and antiangiogenic properties. The reduction in size and volume of endometrial cysts has been observed with the regular consumption of foods high in Resveratrol.

#3. Wild-Caught Salmon

Salmon contains high levels of omega-3 fatty acids or healthier fats as compared to trans fats found in most meat. Prostaglandins are lipid compounds obtained from fatty acids.

There are 3 different kinds of prostaglandins, PGE1, PGE2, and PGE2a. PGE1 helps alleviate menstrual symptoms while PGE2 and PGE2a aggravate them. Omega-3 fatty acids increase the body’s production of PGE1 which relieve you of pain.

Salmon also contains vitamin D that is helpful in slowing down the growth of endometrial tissue. Choose wild-caught salmon as opposed to farm bred salmon to assure the quality of nutrients and also to avoid toxins commonly found in farmed fish.

#4. Spinach

Leafy green vegetables like spinach are abundant in phytonutrients, iron, and folate. Alpha lipoic acid, a phytonutrient, is also an anti-inflammatory compound that cuts down the size of endometrial implants and reduces inflammation. Iron is essential to produce healthy red blood cells. It’s been studied that folate deficiency may be one of the causes of endometriosis. 

#5. Flaxseeds

Flaxseed is not only an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids but also fiber. The hormone-balancing lignans and plant estrogens in flaxseed help regulate a woman’s estrogen-progesterone levels. Endometriosis feeds on estrogen and lignans help reduce the production of estrogen improving ovarian function.

Additionally, the fiber content of flaxseeds will help you detoxify excess estrogen out of the body.

While the nutritional needs of every woman differ, the foods mentioned here have been considered to provide incredible health benefits for women with endometriosis.

Adding them to your plate will help you be at your healthiest in your body to start healing from endometriosis. Thinking that healing can start in your plate will also give you back some of the control on your health that you might have thought you lost, so try it.


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