You see a funny clip on the Internet or a simple commercial on TV and all of sudden, you get choked up or you burst into tears. This surprises you and you might even wonder why you’re crying and what could be going on since you’re not viewing or thinking about anything that’s sad.

If you’re sitting at work doing your job and out of the blue, you start feeling emotional, it can make you fearful that you’re starting to have some kind of emotional breakdown. But don’t worry.

Crying for no reason can be a sign that your hormones are out of balance. In fact, this emotional struggle is one of the key signs that something’s not right with your hormones.

Your emotions will often try to tell you when something is going on inside your body that needs your attention. A hormone imbalance will always make you feel like you’re not your ordinary self.

While a hormonal imbalance can be treated, it’s often not easy to pinpoint exactly which hormone needs to be addressed because it could easily be one of several. It could be that your serotonin level has been impacted by hormonal changes, it could be your cortisol, or it could be your estrogen to name a few possibilities.

You’ll need to get your levels checked for hormones that are related to various life events for a woman that align with the age you are when you first notice symptoms. For example, women who are in their 20s to 30s would need to have their thyroid levels as well as their estrogen levels checked.

While thyroid hormonal imbalances become more noticeable as you age or if you have a defining health issue such as a noticeable lump at the base of the throat, the levels often begin to get unbalanced when you’re younger.

A goiter is a sign that the thyroid hormones are not balanced. So are problems with your skin, hair or normal sleep patterns. Women who are in their late 40s to early 50s would need to have their estrogen as well as their progesterone levels tested.

If you’re wondering if there are any clues that feeling tearful could be a hormonal imbalance, there are some definitive and common clues. Women will often get headaches – especially chronic ones – when they didn’t have them before.

This can be a sign of estrogen impairment. Low estrogen causes headaches because the hormone affect’s the brain’s production of chemicals that deal with both mood and pain.

Brain fog – in conjunction with feeling teary – is another sign that you’re dealing with a hormonal imbalance. If you’ve always had a healthy sex drive but now you don’t, that’s another sign that your tears or weepiness could be associated with hormones.

Along with feeling weepy, if you notice physical manifestations such as bloating, that can be a sign. By paying attention to what else is going on in your body, you’ll be able to determine if what’s going on is hormonal or not and get help from your doctor or over the counter products to alleviate symptoms.

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