Momentum is a term used for when you are on a path with little to no resistance. You are successful to the point where it would be almost impossible for anything to stop you on your path. This is what you want in your life to achieve all your dreams.
Start Your Day Off with Momentum
Need more momentum? Start your day with as much momentum as you can muster!
You can do this by choosing activities that make you feel excited and motivated right from the time you wake up. This is different for everyone, but think about what activities you do when you want to feel inspired or what tends to boost your energy.
This might include doing something active in the morning, like going for a walk or doing yoga. Maybe you want to start your day with a smoothie or glass of water to treat your body good, make your bed, or write in your journal.
Work Towards it Every Day
To keep your momentum, you need to do something every day that works toward your ultimate goal. This will keep it fresh in your mind and keep you motivated along the way.
It doesn’t matter how small the action is, as long as you feel inspired and motivated.
Look at your ultimate goal and see the list of tasks needed to reach that goal. Is there a small task you can work on each day that gets you closer to achieving that goal? This might include running an errand, filling out paperwork, writing a blog post, making a phone call, or any other small things that get you a bit closer.
Stop Second-Guessing Yourself
The more you second guess yourself before doing something, the less momentum you are going to have. When you get a thought about what you should do next, just do it! Don’t second guess yourself or try to talk yourself out of it. Trust your instincts and trust that taking chances is going to get you to the next phase in your life.
Night Routine
Work on your nighttime routine and make sure it flows with the energy you are trying to keep up. Your nighttime routine is just as important as your morning routine, but so many people take it for granted. This might include exercise or nutrition, writing in a journal, getting set up for the following day, or working on a sleep routine so you can get good rest to keep up that momentum.