They believe it is not possible to be happy while going after your dreams.
But this is simply not true.
You can have both success and happiness at the same time. You can pursue success and remain happy, for happiness does not depend on your success or vice versa. Happiness is the highest level of success.
The ultimate goal in life is to be happy, to live a joyful and fruitful life.
While success can bring you joy, happiness is joy. You can choose to be joyful even when you are going through the most challenging times. You can be satisfied while chasing your dreams. You can be successful and be happy at the same time because happiness is not found outside.
Happiness is a state of mind, an attitude, and above all, a choice.
You do not need to have a brilliant career to be happy. You can be satisfied while building your career.
How do you get more happiness into your life?
Do what feels good, and the rest will follow.
Happiness is a state of mind. It comes from within. Your thoughts and attitude play a key role in your happiness. When you invest in things that make you feel good inside, everything else you do on the outside will follow the same path. You can, therefore, choose to be happy and still achieve great success at the same time. One does not have to be compromised by the other.
Do not seek success alone; seek to become a person of value as well.
People make one mistake in their quest for success: they pause all other aspects of their lives and chase achievements alone. It is impossible to be happy if you are not a person of value. Success without happiness will make you feel empty inside. While chasing success, you should seek to become a person of value as well. Be a person of value to yourself, your loved ones, and everyone else that you meet. That is how you build true happiness.
Success and happiness are both dependent on attitude, mentality and mindset.
The mind is a mighty organ. With certain types of thinking and perceptions, one can influence their life and experience of the world. Thoughts can determine what the future brings for you.
Your happiness depends on your thoughts.
Your success also depends on your thoughts.
You can have both if you channel the right attitude and maintain a positive mindset.
Always follow your passions.
Success, in whatever area of your life, should make you happy.
If it is in business, it should make you happy.
If it is a relationship, it should bring you joy.
Nothing is essential if it doesn’t make you happy. If it does not make you happy or better, do something else.
Ask yourself:
- Is it what I am doing making me happy?
- Does it make me happy now?
- Will it make me happy after I have completed it?
If it does not make you happy while you are doing it or the result of doing it does not make you happy, then it is not worth your time. Follow your passions. It will make you happy.
Always be you in your success.
You can have success and be happy if you do not let the former change you. No matter how successful you become, always be you. Be unique, be strong, and stay true to your character. Being you allows you to enjoy your success without pressure. That is how you stay happy.
Celebrate all victories.
Success is a journey. It can happen in small victories and big victories. Learn to celebrate all accomplishments regardless of size. Be proud of all of your achievements as you continue your journey. This allows your mind to always lead you to a place of joy throughout your journey to success.
Learn to enjoy your time even when you have a lot to do.
Yes, success comes with hard work, but it should not take away from your alone time or family. Be ready to adjust and accommodate certain personal events even when you have a lot of work to do. Incorporate the people you love in your journey to success. Always make sure you have time to sit back and enjoy the things you love. Above all, do not let success complete you, be complete on your own, and you will have both success and happiness.