UNLIMITED Optimised Health Laser Coaching with Audrey Sourroubille Arnold

Get The Scoop On This Unique, Unlimited, 1-on-1, Personalised, Transformational And Comprehensive Program To Help You Design Your Life For Greater Health, Energy & Fulfilment

Grab Your Spot Now (​Limited Spots Available) – ​​​​AND Get 3, 6 or 12-Month of Accountability & Support! 

Get The Results You Want!


With my results-oriented health coaching approach, with a consulting cherry-on-top, you get UNLIMITED Laser Coaching Calls with me.

This will be a TRANSFORMATIONAL EXPERIENCE for you as you:

  • Get clarity on the steps you need to take to reach your goals
  • Identify and begin to ELIMINATE all the things that are blocking you from reaching your goals
  • Create a definite ACTION PLAN toward a healthier you
  • Learn from an expert proven protocols and techniques
  • Have someone who is there for you every step of the way (or as needed)

What do you get?

  • (1) INITIAL 45-minute call {Value: USD 200}
  • Unlimited 20-minute calls for 3, 6 or 12 MONTHS {Value: USD 90 per call}
  • Recordings of all our calls
  • Access to me by email in between sessions
  • Access to me through WhatsApp (depending on your plan)
  • Additional bonuses

Your Investment in the Optimised Health UNLIMITED Laser Coaching

One easy rule: Simply complete any assigned work before you schedule your next call.

Are you stuck figuring out what’s your next step to optimise your health?

Are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, stressed out, tired out?

Are you feeling symptoms of hormonal imbalances and wanting to put an end to those?


Perhaps you have always wanted to try coaching, but thought it would take up a TON of time and cost a FORTUNE?

If ANY of the above applies to you, then the laser coaching program is perfect for you! 

I will work with you to create the personalised strategy, mindset, clarity, and accountability to finally UNLEASH your most VITAL life experience yet. Creating optimised health is a transformational journey and together we will make sure that this journey reflects not only your goals but your personality and values.


Extended for a limited time to the first 3 women, I am offering this UNLIMITED opportunity at an irresistible price…


Clarity  ? Education  ? Support  ? Strategy  ? Mindset  ? Results  ? Guidance


«This laser coaching program was created so that you can create a plan to optimise your health and wellness while being supported in the implementation process. You’re getting strategy and accountability all year long to finally achieve the Optimised Health & Wellness that you deserve at an affordable price point.» Audrey Sourroubille Arnold

Hi, I’m Audrey Sourroubille Arnold

I’m an entrepreneur, wife, mom to twin boys and two cats, and married to my soul-mate. I am the founder of Lotus Power Health and one of Europe’s Leading Women’s Health & Nutrition Experts. I believe that our genetic destiny isn’t fixed, and it can be edited, rewritten, changed. I am committed to finding the best tools to help you thrive, so that we can all lead a life that is more fulfilling and impactful, knowing that our health is there to support us. Epigenetics. Bio-individuality. Intolerances. Toxicity. Nutritional deficiencies. Gut health. And last but not least: hormones.

Obsessed with: health-hormones-DNA, books, cats, American TV series, entrepreneurship & innovation, and essential oils.

Read more about my stories, approach and certifications here.

Sign Me Up Now For UNLIMITED Laser Coaching

Only 3 Spots Available for any of the plans

Did You Know…

My “Optimised Health Unlimited Laser Coaching” Program Offers You Unlimited, One-On-One Nutrition, Health and Whole Person (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) Coaching and Mentoring with me for 3, 6 or 12 months.

You see, as the pandemic started and I spent more time with my children, I became even more grateful for what life gave me, and how I was able to overcome a diagnosis of endometriosis and infertility, and how I am grateful to have a passion turned professional, that I absolutely love! So I was trying to come up with a way to celebrate that, that would also be a gift from me to you, or for someone you know who could really benefit from my comprehensive, “getter done”, yet compassionate, holistic approach to coaching and mentoring. Plus, considering that schedules are changing, I wanted to offer you an approach that fits you best with reconciling how our lives have changed over the past few weeks. ?

​And then it all came to me while reading the offerings from a lady who a lady who is now my business coach! Two other ladies I followed mentioned a video from another expert outlining a specific business model that grabbed my attention, and that she uses too. And all the lights came on.

Over the past couple of years, I’ve been noticing that the women who have contacted me have wanted a longer partnership in helping them with their health goals, they want support, strategies but also an accountability partner. And of course, they want to work one-on-one with me. But quite frankly, for a lot of women, the investment is just too high for my regular programs.

So now I have a way for women to coach and mentor with me that I’m really excited about and I wanted to share it with you in case you might be interested, or you might know someone else who would be interested.

For a limited time… just until I have 3 new clients, since that’s the most I can give effective quality compassionate attention to at one time… you can sign up for unlimited “Optimised Health Unlimited Laser Coaching” with me for one full year for a one time investment of only USD 2,997 (that’s less than USD 250 per month!).

You Can Get Started Now… so you can have the healthiest, happiest, least stressful, most productive, and most rewarding year of your life to date!

Let me coach and mentor you to: 

  • Create Your Best Nutritional Program Ever
  • Design Your Own Personalised Healthy Lifestyle Plan
  • Release Those Stubborn Pounds or Kilograms You’ve Been Unhappily Carrying for Too Long
  • Plan and Implement Quick and Easy 5-Minute Energising Healthy Tips, Ideas and Strategies
  • Ramp Up Your Energy Instantly
  • Eliminate Stress, Anxiety, Sadness, Depression and Burnout



Like I said, I’m limiting this to 3 ladies because I’m not sure I can handle more right now.


And here’s the deal…


You get unlimited 20-minute laser coaching sessions with me for a full year, where you and I will get to spend really super laser focused chunks of time together and create rapid results for you. And it’s NOT astronomically priced!

On each session, we agree on your homework, and you must complete your homework before you schedule your next session. If you want to do your homework immediately, then you can schedule your next session for the very same day.

This is truly unlimited health, wellness and life coaching and mentoring for only USD 2,997 (divide that number by 12 to see the crazy low investment per month, who else DOES this?!).

Other clients have invested USD 700 PER MONTH with me to be coached and mentored back to health, along with help in achieving their long-term health, wellness and life goals. Usually this entitles weekly to bi-monthly 60-90 minutes calls. But I know it might not be what you need right now. With the laser coaching you’ll get access to that same high level of advice, guidance and direction during our 20-minute laser sessions for 3, 6 or 12 months (depending on what works better for you right now)!


If you have any questions, email me ASAP (Audrey (at) LotusPowerHealth.com) because this offer is over, at least for the next few months, after it fills up (​​and the maximum I can handle at one time is 3 clients). So act fast. I truly look forward to the opportunity to mentor you, or a loved one. 

Sign Me Up Now For UNLIMITED Laser Coaching

Limited Spots Available

How Does The Program Work?

1. Simply Register for the UNLIMITED Laser Results Coaching Program You Wish  (the 12-Month laser coaching program is less than USD 250/month!).

Registration is easy and you are protected by my “Get Results” Guarantee which says that during your first call, if you don’t feel like this is exactly what you need to take your health and life to the next level and get real results, your money will be immediately refunded.


2. Schedule Your First Coaching Session

Your first coaching session is 45 minutes long and on that call, we will identify your goals and discuss strategies to reach them. We will then agree on your first homework assignment so that you can make progress. At the end of each call, you will get a recording of your session, confirmation of your homework, links to resources in The Optimised Health & Wellness Vault to help you implement what we talked about and a link to schedule your next coaching call.

Each coaching session after the initial call is 20 minutes of laser coaching. Email support regarding the assignments is available between calls. All homework must be submitted (if needed) or completed before scheduling your next coaching call.


3. Do Your Homework and Schedule Your Next Call!

Your homework is the set of objectives that you and I agree on. And when you’ve completed those assignments, you can schedule your next 20-minute laser coaching call. Some clients complete their assigned work and schedule their next call for the very next day!

Calls are available for you to book Monday through Thursday.

What if I can’t do the homework?

In this program, you set the pace of the progress. Therefore, you complete the homework at a time that is convenient for you. When you’re in need of help, email me with your questions and we’ll get you sorted. If needed, we can even hop on a call. I’ll never get you stuck. Just reach out. Once you complete the homework assignment, you can go online and schedule your next session.



At the end of your very first call, you’ll be able to make the decision to continue for the whole year or if you’re not “feeling it,” by the end of the first call, ask for a complete refund.

After this first call opportunity, there are no refunds. So be sure you’re committed to making a difference in your life.

Sign Me Up Now For UNLIMITED Laser Coaching

Limited Spots Available

Have some Questions?

Will I recover the investment I put into coaching and/or this course?

It all depends on you. If you put your heart and soul into your coaching, you can expect to see results in less than 90 days. The sooner you start implementing, the sooner you will begin to see results as long as you take consistent action. There is no question that you will be better prepared for a healthier and happier life... and that, as far as I am concerned, is of the highest value.


This will be a TRANSFORMATIONAL EXPERIENCE for you as you:

  • Get clarity on the steps you need to take to reach your goals
  • Identify and begin to ELIMINATE all the things that are blocking you from reaching your goals
  • Create a definite ACTION PLAN toward a healthier you
  • Learn from an expert proven protocols and techniques
  • Have someone who is there for you every step of the way (or as needed)
Who should not sign up for laser coaching?

If you don't need any one-on-one support, then you probably won't benefit from laser coaching. You know who you are: you read an article and immediately implement all the strategies without fuss. You're totally self-motivated. You never get hung up on details, or give in to temptation. If you're not really motivated to change your lifestyle, then laser coaching isn't a good fit for you either. In which case, you might prefer to just enrol into the course only. 

Who should not sign up for this course?

If you don't want to learn more about how your body works. If you prefer to complain rather than look at what you can do right now to improve how you feel. If you're looking for a solution-fits-all. If you're not willing to do the introspection work. Then, you probably won't benefit from this course. 

Is there a payment plan?

No. The price for laser coaching is a steal. At that rate I cannot offer a payment plan. That said, you can finance it through PayPal Credit, for example. It lets you extend payments for up to six months with absolutely no interest.

Is there a guarantee?

Yes. On our first (45-minute) call, if either one of us don’t feel like it’s a good fit or you don't think I can absolutely help you achieve your goals, then we'll cancel the agreement and I'll refund your money immediately. No Risk!

Can I think about it?

Of course - with two caveats.

First, I'm limiting the laser coaching to just 3 new clients.

But if you want in, now's the time to grab it.

Second, this is your one opportunity to lock in the current price for a full year of unlimited laser coaching. When I offer it again, the price might increase.

Truthfully, here's my experience through years of being an entrepreneur: the people who know me the best are the ones who sign up the fastest. If you aren't sure (even with the no-risk guarantee), then you may want to wait until you get to know me better (and trust me more).

Do I need to purchase any tests as part of this program?

Purchasing any tests is not mandatory. It might be a good idea for some of you. I'm teaching you more about the tests so you can make an informed decision as to whether they fit you personally and financially. In case of doubt, always feel free to reach out and ask me.

How long is this program for?

3, 6 or 12 months, starting from our initial 45-minute call! 

I have a known medical condition. Is this still safe for me?

Depends on the condition. If it is one I specialise in, yes. If it is not, then I'd rather you not enrol. In case of any doubt or questions, we will discuss anyway during our initial call. When we both feel I am not equipped to help you, then I will refund you what you paid.

Do I have to take supplements, pills and powders?

As few as possible! I often recommend that my clients take on a daily basis a probiotic, and you’ll learn why in this program. The other supplements I might be recommending are just that: recommendations, and they all depend on your state of health. Sometimes meant to help you fasten the results. Up to you! We will discuss on a case-by-case basis.

I'm super stressed and I don't know where to start, is this for me?

YES! This is exactly what this program was created for. To help you take the overwhelm out of taking action.

Will I be starving?

Not at all! The goal of the program is to get you to be more attuned to your body's needs. There is no dieting or starving on this program, as it would be counter-intuitive! Even the recipes that I might share with you for breakfast, lunch and dinner, are nutritious and you will not be feeling hungry after you eat them. There is also room for (healthy) snacks in between. Every meal is delicious and created by a fabulous chef to nourish your body from the inside out. This program is not about starvation or deprivation, and we are not counting calories or dwelling on carbs. You will feel satisfied with every bite. If you do get hungry, there are extra snack recipes included!

Can I still work out during the program?

Please work out during the program! If you feel tired or have low energy, exercising restores both strength and energy. During this program, you will be eating protein and drinking plenty of liquids, so if you’re already exercising, there’s no reason to stop! It is important to remember that whenever you change the foods you eat, your body changes as well. Please consult with your doctor if you have any specific concerns about your health.

I don't eat gluten or dairy. How can this program help me?

Many people who eat very clean already still have room to empty out the pipes with an elimination diet and take their healthy habits to the next level. Changing up the foods we eat gives our digestion time to rest and reset, which can be helpful for anyone regardless of their current eating habits. This is why this program addresses many aspects of taking your nutrition protocol to the next level.

Additional, in this program, we're not just about nutrition. We tackle every other aspect of your life that contributes to your health too.


Am I only going to be drinking juices and smoothies?

No way! While there are some juices and smoothies for you to choose from, you will also be eating salads, soups, and even desserts that are delicious and nutritious and will eliminate toxins from your body in a safe and natural way.

What side effects might I experience?

Everyone's different. From what my clients have told me in the past, enlightened, empowered, relieved, joyful, purposeful, etc.

What my students Say

Petra H.

Fund Manager

I was so sick of having zero energy. Around 2 PM EVERYDAY I would head to the office kitchen and grab some sort of energy drink. Or a coffee. I figured this was the only way. WOW – WAS I WRONG! It is amazing how much better I feel by thinking, moving and eating differently. I am more focused in my work. I get out of the office earlier. My productivity has skyrocketed, and my team is more focused as well. My skin is glowing and I find myself having just as much energy at 2 PM as I do at 10 AM. This program has somehow benefitted both my professional life and my health, and I thank Audrey for that. I can only recommend that you book the sessions together with the course. It will save you tons of time and you’ll be more focused in your efforts, PLUS get to your results a lot faster too!

Nathalie K.

Business Owner

All I can say is stop putting it off. If I knew I was going to feel THIS good, I would have done it years ago. Thank you so much for putting me on the right path to health so that I can feel good again!

Lisa Steadman

Lisa Steadman

Best selling author & serial entrepreneur, USA

Women. Wellness. Wisdom. This is a lifetime study and Audrey has devoted herself wholeheartedly to this work. In less than 30 days, I’ve discovered more about my cycle, hormones, eating habits, energy levels, and general well being than in my previous 40 year journey!

Emma, UK

Since starting on the program, although I haven’t yet managed to implement all suggested changes. But since a long time, I sleep better, my tummy works better, and for the first time in years I have lost weight – a very small amount at the moment, but I lost it without being “on a diet” and I am thoroughly enjoying all the changes in my diet.

Silvia B.


I always felt embarrassed of the way my body looked. Last winter I decided to take control of the way I looked. I finally decided that I was worth it. I always felt like if I spent time on myself that my family would feel neglected… but the opposite happened! My family loved seeing me happier and they loved my new outlook on life! I will never go back!

Monique P.

Virtual Assistant

Every other month I told myself the same thing…okay, this is when you are going to change. But it never happened. I got too busy with work or I found some sort of excuse that was holding me back. I stumbled across this program and because of all of the success stories, I decided that I was going to give it a try. What did I have to lose? I am SO glad that I did this. I get compliments every day and I keep losing inches. My journey is not finished yet but I can say with certainty that I am on my way to the life and body that I always dreamed of. Thank you!!!

Daniela R.

Business Owner

When I was younger I used to spring asleep easily…but as I’ve gotten older, this has not been the case! I always figured it was because I am so much busier now! When a friend introduced me to this program I decided to do it with her for moral support. I didn’t really think much of it. Suddenly, a few days in, I realized that I was sleeping WAY better. I hit the pillow and went straight to sleep. I never looked back! I realized that I have been having sleeping problems simply because of the way that I was eating!!