Yoga has been often praised for its numerous health benefits – from keeping you limber to improving your mental state. Some people don’t take full advantage of yoga though, because it can also be used to help improve your immune system and get exercise without pushing yourself too hard.

Exercise is imperative to your immune system, but it can get complicated if you’re already a little sick. If you don’t have equipment at home, you can’t really lift weights since you don’t want to go spreading it at the gym.

If you have a bit of a cough or any other respiratory symptoms, you probably don’t want to be running because that can upset and worsen those symptoms. Instead, you should look at doing yoga.

While many people see it as stretching rather than exercise, it can very quickly become difficult and intense by doing more complicated poses. It helps get your blood flowing and can be a good workout for your core and various parts of the legs and arms.

One of the other things that yoga allows you to do is relax and sort of meditate. This helps relieve stress, a major factor in many people’s weakened immune system. Stress messes with your hormone levels causing your immune system to get thrown off to the point where it can’t really do its job properly, leading to you getting sick.

Yoga is nice and relaxing, and gives you something to focus on that isn’t stressful so that you can take your mind off of other things. If you’re already showing symptoms of being sick, yoga is very helpful because you don’t need to go to a gym or a studio to do it.

This means that you can stay at home and not spread the sickness to others while still getting in a nice workout. Some poses require more effort than others, like blocks and mats, but there are plenty you can just do on the ground or with a cheap mat.

Yoga has shown to boost people’s immune systems by helping them relieve stress, but also by helping stretch certain parts of the body. Depending on your pose, some have shown to help improve circulation while others have helped drain out clogged up passages, like you might get with a cough. Overall, it’s very easy to do with just a little bit of space at home, and it can benefit you greatly.

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