When it comes to wellness, there are many definitions and areas to consider. Some people think more about your physical body, like nutrition and exercise, while others use it as a broader term for all areas of health. According to the co-founder of the National Wellness Institute, Dr. Bill Hettler, there are actually 7 dimensions of wellness.





The first dimension of health and wellness is your physical health, which is probably what you tend to think about first. This includes eating right and focusing on good nutrition, making sure you get good quality sleep, and exercising on a regular basis. It can also include things like protecting yourself with seat belts and helmets, visiting the doctor for checkups, and paying attention to symptoms of any illnesses you might have.





There is also emotional health as well as your mental health. It is really important to take good care of your emotional health, from seeing a therapist if you struggle with mental disorders, to working on reducing your stress levels. For your emotional wellness, look for support if and when you need it, improve your work-life balance, and try to find fulfillment with optimism and expressing gratitude.





Don’t forget about your intellectual dimension of wellness! This is where you continue with education, read more books, take classes, and keep learning and growing. Education and intellect is not just important in school and college, but far beyond that. You should always be looking to learn and expand your knowledge.





Social aspects of your wellness are a lot more important than you might think. This includes nurturing your friendships and relationships, being more involved in your community, attending social events, and working on improving your communication skills.





Spiritual doesn’t have to be religion, so don’t worry if you don’t follow a particular type of religion. Your spiritual wellness is about what you believe in, whether it is a high power, or just your own core beliefs and values. This can be achieved by reading more spiritual books, meditating, and spending time in nature.





There is also environmental, which for you can mean whatever environment you live in, including your home and workplace. Take good care of the environment where you spend your time, like decluttering your office, not leaving mail all over your desk, cleaning regularly, and recycling when you can.




Lastly, there is your occupational dimension of wellness. If you feel like you are settling for the job you have, but don’t find passion in it, do something else! Work to improve your skills, be open to change in your work environment, and look beyond what is expected of you to find something you truly love.