Your body makes collagen all on its own. Collagen is beneficial to improve:

  • the elasticity of your skin,
  • the health of your hair, and
  • the health and mobility of your muscles.


But if you want to supplement it, you can do so with collagen peptides. They are a powerful version of marine or beef collagen.


Here are some different ways to use collagen in your diet.

#1. Add it to Hot Liquids

While collagen can dissolve in anything, it is much easier to dissolve into hot liquids.


This is why one of the most popular ways to use powdered collagen is in hot liquids like coffee or tea.


After you brew your cup of coffee or tea, add a scoop of collagen to the mug before adding any cold liquids, like creamer or milk. It should dissolve quickly, but you can stir any chunks of collagen you find in there.


2. Mix it in Cold Liquids

If you prefer to use your collagen peptides in cold liquids, you can do that! You just may need to blend it a little with a handheld milk frother. These handheld frothers are lightweight and inexpensive and work well at blending in the collagen to any liquid.


You can add collagen to just plain water. In a few seconds, it is completely dissolved and doesn’t change the texture or flavour of your water.


3. Add it to Soups and Chillis

Just because more people use their collagen in their beverages doesn’t mean this is your only option. You can add it to absolutely anything since it has no flavour or taste. You will find it easy to mix into hot foods like soups and chillis.


4. Blend it in Smoothies and Protein Shakes

An excellent option for using collagen every day is to add it to your protein shakes or smoothies before you blend them up. You already have your blender out, so you don’t even have to worry about how you will mix it in.


Leave your collagen next to other ingredients you typically add, like your protein powder and chia seeds, and it will be super easy to remember to use it.


5. Add to Your Oats or Pancakes

If you like to eat oats or protein pancakes every morning, why not add a little more protein with your collagen peptides?


You can mix in a scoop or two of collagen peptides to your pancake mix, blend it really well, then make your pancakes as you usually would. Not only do you get the extra collagen, but a nice boost of protein as well.


6. Add to Baked Goods

And lastly, you can add a scoop or two of collagen to baked goods when mixing them and before you put them in the oven. You can add it to brownie mix, cookie mix, cupcake mix, or anything else.