There are many natural remedies that can help with your skin, from moisturizing it with raw honey, to making an exfoliating product with brown sugar and skin-soothing oils. Another natural ingredient that does wonders for your skin and complexion is witch hazel. Here is more information about this treatment, and how you can use it for your skin.

Reduce Inflammation and Redness

The first main benefit your skin gets from using witch hazel is to reduce redness and irritation. Inflammation is not necessarily a bad thing, since it is your skin’s way of protecting you from harm. But it can come with irritation and redness, which might not be what you want.

If you tend to get a lot of inflammation of your skin, you don’t want to then use harsh chemicals that might make it worse. Witch hazel is a wonderful natural anti-inflammatory that can replace all those expensive skin care products that aren’t doing much but putting a dent in your wallet.

Natural Treatment for Acne

Are you someone that struggles with acne, such as pimples and zits? If so, witch hazel to the rescue! This allows you to control your acne without putting harsh chemicals on your skin. First of all, witch hazel works like a natural astringent on your skin, helping to reduce the amount of oil in your pores and reducing redness. It can also help to cut back on the bacterial growing on your skin, which further keeps away acne.

Just be careful with using it on severe acne or breakouts where there are open sores on your face, as this could cause more irritation.

Tighten Your Skin’s Pores

Another great way that witch hazel works on your skin is by tightening your pores. When you have open pores, you get a lot of oil and dead skin cells that clog the pores and lead to acne and breakouts. To avoid this, you need a good way to tighten your pores, which is a wonderful benefit you get by using witch hazel on your skin.

Who Shouldn’t Use Witch Hazel

Not everyone can benefit from witch hazel. In fact, there are a few skin conditions that might react badly to witch hazel, such as rosacea and eczema. Witch hazel works as an astringent on your skin, so if you have rosacea, it could irritate it further and make the condition worse. It is also not a good idea to use it if you have eczema or sensitive skin in general.