A character trait is an aspect of human behaviour that is valued by society. Some character traits have a positive value, while other character traits are negative. Society rewards people with the right character traits because they are seen as good models for others to follow. Your personal accomplishments also depend on having strong, positive character traits. 

Which character traits should you focus on developing? Positive character traits can help you succeed, and business leaders know which ones are most important. Psychologists who study personality and behaviour have added to the list.


Here are the ten character traits most worth developing.

  1. Honesty
  2. Loyalty
  3. Organisation
  4. Resilience
  5. Compassion
  6. Patience
  7. Responsibility
  8. Flexibility
  9. Calmness
  10. Quietness


1.  Honesty

Society values honesty as a character trait because people want to know a person can be trusted.  People will respond to those they know will offer honest opinions and advice.  Salespeople and brands that are perceived as trustworthy sell more than companies that don’t appear honest.


2.  Loyalty

People also want to include others who are loyal. Society labels disloyal people as backstabbers, liars, and cheats. Strong bonds are formed between people when they see each other as loyal to a cause or goal.


3.  Organisation

Organisation isn’t just a skill; it is a character trait.  Organised people look for patterns in life and use their knowledge of previous situations to solve problems.  Organised people are often also seen as loyal because they are focused on their goals and loyal to achieving them. 


4.  Resilience

Resilience is a character trait that helps you overcome obstacles in life. Without resilience, it’s more challenging to adapt to change and achieve goals. Being focused on success and willing to work hard to achieve it, even when you fail, is a sign of resilience.


5.  Compassion

At Indeed, one of the largest job search engines, compassion is considered an important character trait for career success. People who participate in office gossip, under-cut their coworkers and disrupt work teams for their benefit don’t succeed because they have no compassion for others. Even in the business world, showing compassion for a coworker who’s having a bad day or being kind to your employees is a worthwhile character trait.


6.  Patience

When you show patience as a character trait, society values that ability in multiple ways. If you are patient with a person who needs help, your patience is perceived as kindness.  When you are willing to delay immediate gratification for a larger goal, your patience shows your dedication and perseverance. You can also avoid stress by being patient. Patient people don’t let outside influences bother them or create stress in their lives.


7.  Responsibility

Psychologists agree that responsibility, both for yourself and to others, is an essential character trait. By being responsible for yourself and acknowledging both your successes and mistakes, you learn and grow. Understanding that your actions may have consequences for others and taking responsibility for your role in a situation help build compassion and loyalty.


8.  Flexibility

A rigid personality is not a positive character trait. Life’s challenges require being flexible enough to try new solutions and find new ways to succeed. You may need the help and support of other people to overcome a challenge, but if you aren’t flexible, people will be less likely to help you. Flexibility allows you to receive the help and support you may need.


9.  Calmness

To overcome life’s obstacles, handle stress, and find solutions, you need to develop calmness as a character trait. Staying calm helps you focus and look for answers to problems. Becoming upset when things are chaotic in your self only leads to more confusion and worry. Society values calmness as a character trait because calm people succeed, but agitated people fail. 


10.  Quietness

At Monster, another large job search engine, being quiet, and being a good listener is a character trait many employers want. You can’t learn if you are always talking and putting your knowledge or opinion above what a team needs to do. While there is a time to speak up, knowing when to be quiet and listen is equally important.


Your success depends on developing positive character traits. Society values these traits because those who have them achieve more and become role models for others.